Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When the tide comes in...praying for other churches

You know the old saying, "When the tide come in, all the ships rise"?
It's true. That's why we see four gas stations on a corner and fast food restaurants built nearly on top of one another. While there is some sense of competition, they also feed off one another's success. I think the church can take this concept to a whole new level.

Tonight, my friend Ryan kicks off his middle school program. His church is literally across the street and attracts quite a few kids, including some who attend my church on the weekends with their parents. Down the street a little further my buddy Bruce and his new MS guy Grant are preparing to kick off their Club56 program that is also enjoyed by a number of kids who typically attend my church on the weekend.

Because I've grown to love these guys and appreciate their programs, I pray for them regularly. I as God to bless their ministries, marriage and home. I pray that God will allow them to reach kids that I can't, won't or don't. I pray that their programs become a buzz in the local middle schools that make kids want to go to church. And then... I back up my prayers by sending them great kids and families (not the angry, critical church hoppers) who are looking for something a little different than what we provide. On occasion I've even sent them great volunteers who can't seem to fit our program into their schedules. I call them and ask them how I can pray and how my prayers were answered. Just yesterday I even called them up to ask for some volunteer support for an event coming up at our church.

So here's the challenge as we begin this new ministry year:

Do you know the other youth ministries and youth pastors in your area?
Are you willing to pray for God's blessing for them?
Are you willing to share families, students and volunteers?
Are you willing to partner with them to reach kids for Christ?

When the tide comes in all the ships rise.

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