Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is modeled in my ministry?

If a student were to walk into my ministry and hear nothing... what would they understand our values to be? In other words, what is modeled in our ministry? We all know that experience is a better teacher than lecture... so what experience are we providing students and would would they believe is most important according to that experience? Games? Fun? Candy? Listening?

What would it look like if we applied the truths we teach to our actual ministry environments?
What if instead of talking about studying the Bible and the importance of a quiet time, we just provided a quiet place to have one?
What would happen if instead of talking about prayer, we actually spent an evening just praying for one another?.. one-on-one, in groups, as a group, individually?
What if we didn't just ask kids to honor their parents but instead invited them to be present each week and engaged in the lives of their kids?
What if the value of family meant that moms and dads were encouraged and empowered to spiritually guide their kids' small groups?
What might be produced if instead of talking about serving we got into vans or buses and found someone to bless?
Whose life and eternity might be changed if instead of talking about outreach or evangelism, we went out to meet our friends instead of staying inside the church?

What would our ministry look like if we actually did what we ask students to do?

I've been really challenged by this thought. I'd love to hear your thoughts on other ways we could actually practice what we preach within the context of our weekly ministry.

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