Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I wish someone told me before going into ministry

As a youth ministry veteran of over 15 years one of my greatest joys and privilege is to train up younger youth pastors. Some of my favorite relationships have come through Judson University's practicum program. One of the first things I ask a youth practicum student is "Why do you want to be a youth pastor?" The answers I get are fun, innocent, deep and at times comical. My biggest concern is for those who desire to do ministry because it's fun or exciting or something like it. Ministry is tough. So to help a young person understand the weight of ministry and the solemnity of their desire, I put together this simple list of things I wish I knew before going into ministry.

1. Be authentic. Nobody expects you to be perfect, to have all the answers or to be available all the time. Be willing to say things like, “I can’t,” “I don’t know,” and “I’m sorry.”

2. Learn to love God’s Word. MEMORIZE IT.
3. Know-it-alls make lousy pastors. “Knowledge puffs up but love builds up” – 1 Cor. 8:14.
4. There are no “youth pastors” in the Bible… just pastors. Pastor the whole church, not just your target, friends, people of influence or those who are easy.
5. Teaching is not for the smart, eloquent or educated… but for the humble, authentic and pure. (James 3:1)
6. You’re never as smart or clever as you think you are. God’s word doesn’t need a new twist, a silly video, a pop song or a hip translation – just someone with the guts to teach it, live it and get out of the way.
7. Work hard, pray harder.
8. The devil hates you. Expect spiritual opposition, oppression and obstacles. This is a spiritual battle, not an intellectual, social, political or physical one.
9. Your family is your first ministry. Great husbands and fathers make great pastors; great pastors don’t always make great husbands or fathers. This is one of the top qualifications for pastoral ministry, (1 Tim. 3:4-5).
10. Take a day off and don’t let anyone rob you of your Sabbath. Even God took a break. If you fail to get this straight, you’ll be miserable, unfruitful and short-term.
11. Don’t get bogged down in administration, technology or politics. These are subtle time wasters. Lean on the strengths of others to do what you don’t have to. Focus on the three “P’s,” People, Prayer & Preaching.
12. You can’t make everyone happy – don’t even try. If you ever find that everyone in your ministry is happy, you’ve done something seriously wrong.
13. Ministry (like life) is messy. Don’t cover it up or clean it up.
14. Jesus is our model for life and ministry, not Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Doug Fields or anybody else with a cool ministry, book or seminar.
15. Criticism is good meat… even bad criticism: don’t refuse it, chew on it and don’t let anyone see you spit out the fat in your napkin.
16. Don’t compare ministries. Keep your eyes on your own field. The grass isn’t greener in any other field… if it is, there’s a reason – fertilizer. Be grateful for your own crap too.
17. Ask for help as often as you can. Always ask the “4-P’s” - parents, pastors, professors and professionals.
18. READ!!!
19. Give people the benefit of the doubt… don’t assume the worst.
20. Set your bar high for leadership. Willingness and availability are NOT core characteristics of a good volunteer. Few saints in Scripture were actually willing when God called.
21. God will never ask you to do something you can do. If you feel up for the challenge, say no. Go sell cars, insurance or something else.
22. Never preach something you don’t practice. If you can’t learn to practice what you know you ought to preach… don’t preach.
23. Keep it simple. Things always take twice as much time, money and effort and will rob you of real opportunities with real people.
24. Leave room for interruptions and crisis. If you don’t need the time… pray.
25. Work hard to know the names of the people you serve. Pray by name.
26. Never point out a problem without providing a solution. If you don’t have a solution, shut up and pray.
27. Speak the truth in love. The wounds of a friend can be trusted but even friends need to be gentle.
28. Leave room for the work of the Holy Spirit. Know when to shut up, walk away and pray.
29. Pay extra attention to the quiet people. Contentment is a sign of spiritual maturity.
30. Be passionate about your own purity. Find a good accountability partner who is willing to go toe-to-toe and force you to do what’s right. Don’t lie to him or her… EVER.
31. Parenting is tough. Don't pretend to have all the answers. Most of the time a parent just needs a listening ear, a compassionate heart and for you to pray with them. If you don't have kids, find someone who does and lean into them for wisdom, direction and support.

Even still, this list continues to grow. If you're a youth ministry veteran I'd love to hear what you might add to it.

God bless!

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