Saturday, January 28, 2012

Doctrine of..?

1 Timothy 1:3-5 ESV

As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The aim of our charge is love that issues from pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

If someone were to visit my ministry for a month, how would they define the doctrine they encountered? What would they believe to be the founding principles? What would they believe the purpose to be? What would they believe are our priorities?

Paul's charge to Timothy was to define his doctrine in principle and practice by faith and love. Is my church a place that encourages faith and models love? Is my ministry a place that is uncluttered by false piety, unrealistic expectations and exclusive community?

There is no one else charged with the mission of defining and defending the doctrine of my ministry but me, the pastor. I would do well to remind myself of this often. I would do well to evaluate our doctrine in principle and practice with regularity.

So how do you define your doctrine?

Friday, January 13, 2012

converts or kids

I'm a father of 6 right now. I know, sometimes I think I'm crazy too. The reality is I'm married to supermom. The point is that I'm always counting my kids and wondering where they're at and how they are doing. I worry less about my 17 year old because she's grown up to be such a great young lady that we can rely on her to care for all her siblings. I worry most about our 3 year old and our 3 week old... especially if they are together. I pay more attention to my 6 year old because she has been particularly needy lately and has a tendency to wander. I'm teaching my 9 year old to be more responsible and my 7 year old to be less concerned with his siblings and his notion of fairness. Consequently, they both get a bit less hands on assistance and more coaching from the sideline. It's a lot of work to raise 6 kids but God has blessed us and empowers us to do things well, to his glory.

Now what would you think if I told you I had 5 other children but I have no idea where they are. We were excited when they were born but somewhere between the hospital and home, between the store and the car, between mealtimes, we seemed to lose track of them. It's not that we don't care about them, think about them or wish that they were with us... it's just that keeping track of that many kids is difficult. We even set a place for them at the table each night. We find that trusting them into God's hands takes the edge off our guild and worry. Our hope is that one day they will return for a meal, a bath or some advice one day and maybe then we'll be more capable of caring for them.

That would be insane! (And before you call DCFS, it's also not true.)
But at times this is exactly what happens in my youth ministry. I've seen kids come to our events and find new life in Christ but never quite make it into the family of God. I pray for them, hope for them and even plan for their return but more often than not it's not enough to ensure their return.

The words of Paul in 1 Timothy 1:1 got me thinking about this.
"To Timothy, my true child in the faith"

What if I thought of these converts as kids? What if I removed words like "students," "teens," and "young people" and began referring to them as children who rely on me for spiritual nurture, nourishment, protection and guidance? What if my church resembled more of a home and less of a school? What if we were more family than class? Would I be more concerned with their whereabouts and health? Would it change the look and pace and feel of my ministry? What would it do to me as their pastor? What would it look like to count each kid and follow up on each missing child? What would it look like to care for them as my own?

It sounds like a lot of work but I believe God will bless it and empower me to do this well, to his glory.

How about you?

Thursday, January 5, 2012


What are the voices in your ministry?
There are student voices that express their opinions in both words and attendance.
There are parent voices that make both subtle suggestions and bold demands.
There are elder voices that both command and commend.
There are pastor and supervisor voices that both encourage and correct.
There are colleague voices that commiserate and challenge.
There are other voices that do speak but get drown out in the crowd.

Amidst the voices, can you hear the voice of God?
His voice is the first voice you heard when you entered ministry.
His voice is the one that brings clarity rather than confusion.
His voice is the one that brings peace rather than anxiety.
His voice is the one that guides rather than directs.
His voice is the one that comes with power and authority.
His voice is the one that we must follow.

So how do you keep your ears sharp for the voice of God in the cacophony of voices shouting in your ministry today?


May your ears be honed to the voice of God and may His voice bring you peace and clarity in this New Year.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why do I do what I do?

Why do you do what you do?
Why are you a youth pastor?
When I was young it was fun.
When it became "work" it was challenging.
When I'd been at it a while it was familiar, simple.
When I'd been at it a long while it was a pay check.

I'm grateful that none of these would have been my primary answer at any point in my ministry. I'm grateful that when I think about ministry I don't contemplate a vocation but a calling. God called me to be a pastor a long time ago and that calling sunk in deep. I don't think I understood it back at the beginning... but looking back; it's unmistakeable.

Why do you do what you do?
It's probably a good habit to remind one's self regularly why we do what we do.
When parents complain, when kids wander, when tragedy hits, when we are tired and worn out, when we feel unappreciated, when we are tempted, when we feel stuck... it's the reminder of our calling that sets us back on track and empowers us to overcome the trials of ministry.

Why do you do what you do?